Saturday, August 30, 2008

Workshop Current State - Audit

After reviewing the current state, I really wanted to measure the current state and then periodically going forward to track progress. Also, an audit can be a good tool to use to sustain the efforts, grade and maintain the workshop.

No surprise here. Scores are based on level of effort/achievement for each of the 5S's and Safety.

0 = zero effort/achievement
1 = slight effort/achievement
2 = moderate effort/achievement
3 = the minimum or acceptable level of effort/achievement
4 = sustaining Level 3 for 4 consecutive quarters
5 = sustaining Leve 3 for 8 consecutive quarters

Still working on the inventory entry. Man, there's a lot of stuff I didn't know I had! ;)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Workshop Current State - Loft Floor Inventory Cut 1

Here's my first cut at getting a grip with what's on the floor of the loft. The pictures definitely do wonders for recognizing what's what and where.

Also this view helps me to start "sorting" thru the piles without actually lifting anything. Maybe call it "pre-sort" or first cut or first pass.

Next, I'll log all of the items into a spreadsheet by name and quantity.